Everything you need to know when looking for the best external hard drives and SSDs for video editing and video production!
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External SSD
► Samsung T3 Portable SSD USB 3.1 (Amazon)
External Hard Drives
► Portable Hard Drive: Seagate Expansion 4TB USB 3.0 (Amazon)
► Backup / Archive Drive: WD 6TB My Book Desktop Drive (Amazon)
Best External Hard Drives and SSDs for Video Editing
When it comes to video editing, external drives can make a big difference to the speed of editing, as well as the security of your backups and archives. For a LOT of video editing projects they’re a necessity, and choosing the right one can make a massive difference to the speed of your editing.
Obviously with Video files Storage is a big thing! Video files aren’t small, so having enough storage is absolutely critical. Speed is also really important: Using slow hard drives can make video editing a really painful process.
With drives these days, you can get one or the other relatively cheaply – but combining the two in one drive gets expensive.
SSDs for example are fast, but get expensive quickly as storage capacity goes up.
Hard Drives on the other hand are slower, but you can get a much higher storage capacity vs an SSD of the same price.
With all that in mind, using a mix of the different types makes a lot of sense. Hard drives where capacity is important (backup drives, archives etc.) but speed is not so crucial – and SSDs where speed is the main requirement (live project working drives).
In this video we’ll take a look at the different hard drives and SSD’s available, what I’m currently using, and everything you need to know when looking for the BEST external hard drives and SSDs for video editing and video production!
Check out all the gear we use and recommend at Primal Video!
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